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Nomination Package

January 2025

Thank you for your interest in standing for election in Williams Lake and District Credit Union's 2025 Election of Directors. Please click on items 1 through 11 below to access the nomination package documentation:

  1. Ideal Skills and Attributes of a Credit Union Director
  2. Information Sheet - What Does a Credit Union Director Do?
  3. Nomination Form
  4. Personal Information Return
  5. Nominee's Declaration
  6. Consent for Collection, Use, and Disclosure/Publication of Photographs, Biographical, and/or Other Personal Information
  7. Election Campaign Guidelines
  8. Williams Lake and District Credit Union Rules
  9. Financial Institutions Act Part 4 - Corporate Governance, Division 1 - Directors and Officers of Financial Institutions (Read clauses 97 - 112)
  10. Credit Union Incorporation Act Part 5 - Management, Division 1 - Directors (Read clauses 83 - 84.26)
  11. Background Information for Nominee Interview

Please read all of the documentation before preparing your Nomination and Declaration.


When you submit your nomination, you are required to submit:

  1. The Nomination Form - Please note that the nominee and the nominator must be personal members (not businesses or organizations) in good standing on the date nominations close. Nominees must have been in good standing for the preceding twelve (12) consecutive months (see Williams Lake and District Credit Union Rules for the definition of a member in good standing). When completing the nomination form, please ensure that you indicate which Representative Area you reside in and are applying for.
  2. Personal Information Return - Please note that this form must be filled out online at Please pay careful attention to the instructions for completing the form.
  3. A Signed Declaration Form
  4. Consent for Collection, Use, and Disclosure/Publication of Photographs, Biographical, and/or Other Personal Information.

In addition, you may submit:
  1. Resume and Statement - In paragraph form, not exceeding 100 words, outlining your biographical information, occupation, credit union affiliation, experience and qualifications, and reason for wanting to become a director.
  2. Photograph - Head and shoulders shot, not exceeding 5" x 7". Printed on photo quality paper or provided in electronic format. Please note that election results, complete with names and photographs, will be released to the media following the Annual General Meeting held on May 8, 2025.

Nomination Deadline
Nominations must be received no later than 12:00 noon on February 4, 2025. It is suggested that nominees submit forms and supporting materials earlier, in order that their completeness can be confirmed prior to the deadline. If all completed forms and supporting materials are not received by the deadline, the nomination will not be accepted.

Please address your nomination, marked Personal and Confidential, to: Nominating Committee c/o Amanda Langford, Executive Assistant to the CEO, Williams Lake and District Credit Union Administration Branch, 139 North Third Avenue, Williams Lake, BC  V2G 2A5.


  • Note: Only original forms with original signatures will be accepted - NO faxed or emailed copies. Completed forms must be delivered to our Administration Branch only. Nominations mailed or delivered to a branch office will be deemed to have not been received.

The Nominating Committee will review all material submitted. Any portion considered to be lacking in good taste, defamatory or injurious to the reputation of the Credit Union will be rejected. Qualified candidates are required to meet with the Nominating Committee on February 12, 2025. Interview times will commence at 10:00 AM. A package of information for consideration prior to this interview is enclosed.

If you have any questions our Nominating Committee will be pleased to assist you. The Nominating Committee members for 2025 are Crystal Hoelzler, Surinderpal Rathor, and Erik Zwiers. You may contact them through Amanda Langford, Executive Assistant to the CEO, Williams Lake and District Credit Union, at 250.392.4135.

Yours truly,

Crystal Hoelzler
Nominating Committee Chair
Williams Lake and District Credit Union
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